How can a GDPR software help your business?

Today you are going to learn that GDPR software can help your business be more organized and efficient. And that GDPR compliance doesn’t have to be a headache.
The EU’s GDPR came into force on May 25th, 2018. Questions started to emerge, both from companies and the general public.
It’s been almost a year and a lot has already changed. For inst, people are more aware of their rights and companies are more careful when it comes to processing personal data.
We are still experiencing a bit of a “wait and see” phase since some companies still don’t comply with the GDPR and are just waiting to see what happens in the future.
What’s the real purpose of the GDPR?
We live in a data-driven world where everything is connected online. Basically, we visit a website and to shop we log in with our Facebook account. Then, with only 2 clicks we shared all the information on our profile with a company. It’s a snowball effect because we lose track of our data that ends up not being just ours anymore!
So, the GDPR came to warn everyone about this uncontrolled sharing of information. Its goal is to regulate data handling, so we can better control what, why and when we provide companies our data. We can even request companies to change, edit or delete that information.
But the problem is not only online, it’s also present in companies that use palpable files! There are many examples of places that work with confidential information but don’t use the right procedures to keep it safe.
Companies had to modify their policies and daily procedures to be better and in compliance with the law. Not only because of the fines, but to better serve their clients.
What benefits did companies gain from the GDPR?
Well, this law was not about companies, it was about protecting users’ data. Though, companies were definitely worried.
But now, we can see the positive effects of GDPR on companies! Normally the first impact of any change is negative, like “Why this now?” or “Always something new to give us more work”. But, after some time, people accept it and can also see why it was needed!
- Firstly, the companies who already made changes are more organized! Why? Because they had to check every file, lists of contacts, contracts and so many other things. They had to organize everything in order to comply with the GDPR.
- Secondly, companies will inform their clients about the reason they need their personal information. This way, companies and clients can build a truthful relationship.
- Lastly, organizations will have a compliant list of contacts and inform clients about news and events, without worrying about getting fined. And everytime a client asks for their rights, they’ll be prepared to answer any request.
So why do you need GDPR software?
Basically, all websites, platforms, and apps ask for personal data, even if it’s only your name, email or phone number.
So you must let users know why they are giving their personal data. Also, let me tell you that, every company is dealing with the GDPR their way because there is no book to follow, you just have to see what works for your business.
Companies need GDPR software to help them inform users about all the policies, cookies, terms and conditions, third parties and any other information related to the use of personal data.

We offer you a solution that can cover all aspects of GDPR and help your business achieve compliance, GetComplied. Check it out!
Final thoughts
So, now, hopefully, you understand why the GDPR is necessary. At the end of the day, it’s our information that was circulating freely online. Surely, we still have a long way to go until every company is on board.
We already have non-EU countries and states starting to implement similar regulations in 2020 like Brazil, with LGPD(Lei Geral da Proteção de dados) and California, with the CCPA (California with the Consumer Privacy Act). Others will surely follow.